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Selected Books
1. Thomas Hofer and Barbara Tóth (Ed.): Election 2024. Crises, Kickl, Kanzlerkiste. Vienna, Goldegg, 2024.
2. Thomas Hofer and Barbara Tóth (Ed.): Election 2019. Strategies, Schnitzel, Scandals. Vienna, Ecowin, 2019.
3. Thomas Hofer and Barbara Tóth (Ed.): Election 2017. Losers, Leaks & Leadership. Vienna, Ärzteverlag, 2017.
4. Thomas Hofer (Ed.): Being Against is Not Enough. Vienna, K&S, 2015.
5. Thomas Hofer and Barbara Tóth (Ed.): Election 2013. Power, Media, Billionaires. Vienna, LIT, 2013.
6. Thomas Hofer: The Tricks of Politicians. Vienna, Ueberreuter, 2010.
7. Thomas Hofer and Norbert Rief: Obama. The Black Visionary – Turning Point for World Politics? Vienna, Molden, 2008.
8. Thomas Hofer and Barbara Tóth: Election 2008. Strategies, Winners, Sensations. Vienna, Molden, 2008.
9. Thomas Hofer and Barbara Tóth: Election 2006. Chancellor, Campaigns, Capers. Vienna, LIT-Verlag, 2006.
10. Thomas Hofer: Spin Doctors in Austria. The Practice of American Campaign Advisors. What They Can Do, Who They Advise, How They Work. Vienna, LIT-Verlag, 2005.
Selected Articles
1. Thomas Hofer: On the Way to Emocracy. In: Hofer/Tóth (Eds.): Election 2019. Strategies, Schnitzel, Scandals. Vienna, 2019; pp. 11-57.
2. Thomas Hofer: The Art of Political Departure. In: Austrian Yearbook of Politics 2018. Vienna, 2019; pp. 379-389.
3. Thomas Hofer: The Narrator. In: Rausch/Nehammer (Eds.): Open to New Things. Analyses and Assessments of the First Year of the New People's Party. Vienna, 2018; pp. 37-46.
4. Thomas Hofer: Election Campaign on the Sloping Plane. In: Hofer/Tóth (Eds.): Election 2017. Losers, Leaks & Leadership. Vienna, 2017; pp. 9-48.
5. Thomas Hofer: Of Mice and Billionaires. In: Hofer/Tóth (Eds.): Election 2013. Media, Power, Billionaires. Vienna, 2013; pp. 5-35.
6. Thomas Hofer: Submission. On the Domestic Political Year 2015. In: Austrian Yearbook of Politics 2015. Vienna, 2016; pp. 25-42.
7. Thomas Hofer: How to Hug a Slapstick. In: Austrian Yearbook of Politics 2014. Vienna, 2015; pp. 89-98.
8. Thomas Hofer: Fighting Emotions. A Challenge for Politicians and Businesses; In: Hofinger/Manz-Christ (Eds.): Emotions in Politics and Campaigning. Sydney 2011.
9. Thomas Hofer: The Weary Attackers. On the Weaknesses of the Austrian Opposition. In: Austrian Yearbook of Politics 2010. Vienna, Böhlau, 2011; pp. 209-221.
10. Thomas Hofer, Christian Friesl, and Renate Wieser: Austrians and Politics. In: Christian Friesl, Regina Polak, and Ursula Hamachers-Zuba (Eds.): The Austrians. Change of Values 1999-2008. Vienna, Czernin, 2009; pp. 208-293.
11. Thomas Hofer: A Touch of Obama. Assessment of the Lower Austria State Parliament Election 2008. In: Austrian Yearbook of Politics 2008. Vienna, Böhlau, 2009; pp. 39-51.
12. Thomas Hofer: ÖVP Shoots Itself. Analysis of the National Council Election 2008. In: Karl, Mantl, Piza, Poier, Prisching, and Schilcher (Eds.): Styrian Yearbook of Politics 2008. Graz, 2009; pp. 37f.
13. Thomas Hofer and Christian Moser: Communication of Executive Compensation. In: Schuster/Gröhs/Havranek (Eds.): Executive Compensation. Professional Compensation Systems for Top Executives. Vienna, Linde-Verlag, 2008; pp. 165-178.
14. Thomas Hofer: The Campaigns Made the Difference. In: Hofer/Tóth (Eds.): Election 2008. Strategies, Winners, Sensations. Vienna, Molden, 2008; pp. 10-31.
15. Thomas Hofer: How to Get Out of Journalism Again? In: Christl/Rudorfer (Eds.): How to Become a Journalist? Paths to the Dream Profession. Vienna, LIT-Verlag, 2007; pp. 269-278.
16. Thomas Hofer: The Triumph of Negative Campaigning. In: Hofer/Tóth (Eds.): Election 2006. Chancellor, Campaigns, Capers. Vienna, LIT-Verlag, 2006; pp. 5-31.
17. Thomas Hofer: Vienna State Parliamentary Election: Mobilization as a Crucial Factor. In: EAPC (Ed.): Election Time. European Yearbook of Political Campaigning 2005. Vienna, 2006; pp. 249-264.